Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National initiatives

ANR VACSIM: Validation of critical control-command systems by coupling simulation and formal analysis

Participants : Nathalie Bertrand, Thierry Jéron, Hervé Marchand.

The Vacsim project (2011-2014) is a 3-year project with EDF R&D, Dassault Systèmes, LURPA Cachan, I3S Nice and Labri Bordeaux. The project aims at developping both methodological and formal contributions for the simulation and validation of control-command systems. The role of the Vertecs team will be to contribute to the advance of validation techniques for timed systems, including quantitative analysis and its application to testing, monitoring of timed systems, and verification of communicating timed automata. The VACSIM project funds the PhD thesis of Srinivas Pinisetty.

ANR Ctrl-Green (Autonomic management of green data centers)

Participant : Hervé Marchand.

The project Ctrl-Green (2011-2014) is a 3-year project with UJF/LIG, INPT/IRIT, Inria, EOLAS, Scalagent. This project aims at developing techniques for the automatic optimal management of reconfigurable systems in the context of data centers using discrete controller synthesis methodology applied in the synchronous paradigm. The role of the Vertecs team will be to contribute to the development of new controller synthesis methodology for symbolic synchronous systems handling variables and to its application to the autonomic management of data centers.